10 signs you might be running a misogynistic business

Alexandra Jarvis
1 min readJun 15, 2021
  1. There are hardly any women in senior positions, with the possible exceptions of marketing and HR, which aren’t really considered by you to be senior positions.
  2. You say “there just aren’t many women in this industry”, when there is absolutely no rational reason why that should be the case.
  3. You say “it’s a female-dominated industry but, funnily, all the people running this business are men.”
  4. You say “we just don’t get many CVs from women!”
  5. You say “we had some women but they keep leaving.”
  6. You complain that the gender pay gap doesn’t compare like-for-like jobs — it’s just that women do lower paid roles.
  7. You think women like doing lower paid roles.
  8. Men are pushed to expand their experience, women have to prove their experience.
  9. Yet, paradoxically, the older your female employees get, the more their career prospects diminish.
  10. The only women you have spoken to this week are your female PA and your family members.



Alexandra Jarvis

Corporate strategist, equity analyst, M&A and communications specialist.